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Oil Paintings

Portraits: Wild Heads - oil 36" x 24" collection of artist*
Fish: Shoal of Grunts - oil 30" x 30" collection of artist*

Lion: Timbaviti Messenger - oil 30" x 40" collection of artist *
Snow Leopard: Walk on the Wild Side - oil 40" x 30" collection of artist*
*available as a limited edition giclee print

Moose: 12"x 12" Oil $900 Gallery Wrap
Cougar: Intense Eyes 8"x 10" Oil $800 Framed
Black Leopard: Shadow Eyes 8"x 10" Oil $800 Framed
Elephants: Nurturing 18"x 36" Oil $2000 Framed
I've done hundreds of original paintings in oil, colored pencil and acrylic. Shown are some of my more recent paintings as well as a
those that are available for purchase.

Colored Pencil
Over the years I've created dozens of colored pencil drawings. I switched to oil some years ago as a new challenge. Shown on the left are two of my favorite colored pencil drawings.
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